School Info
First Day of School: Thurs Aug 8th
Back to School Night: Wed Aug 14th
End of Grading Periods 2024-2025 School Year:
1st Quarter: October 4, 2024
2nd Quarter: December 20, 2024
3rd Quarter: March 14, 2025
4th Quarter: June 3, 2025
Promotion Ceremony 8th Grade: June 3, 2025
Summer Information
Summer office hours are 8:00am to 3:00pm, and are in effect through Wednesday, August 7.
After school starts on Thursday, August 8, the office will be open during its regular hours of 7:30am to 3:30pm.
Walkthrough dates and times are as follows:
7th and 8th Grades: Thursday, August 1, 1:00 to 5:00pm
6th Grade: Friday, August 2, 9:00am to 12:00pm
If you cannot make it to your designated session, you may come to the other session. You may also come to the office on August 5, 6, or 7 to complete the process and obtain your student's schedule. If you do this, your student will receive their books after school begins.
Schedules will not be available prior to Walkthrough.
There will be a welcome night for 6th grade families on Thursday, August 1, from 6:00 to 7:00pm.
Address verification for all incoming 6th grade families will take place in the office beginning next Monday, July 22. You may also complete 6th grade address verification at the 6th grade Walkthrough session. Please double check Mrs. Buscemi's post containing information about acceptable address verification documents, and bring them with you.
Report Cards:
Semester report cards will be mailed a week after the grading period ends. First and Third Quarter report cards are sent home via your student a week after the grading period ends.
Progress Reports:
Progress reports are sent home via students half way through each quarter. Students with C's or better do not usually receive progress reports.
College Talk
Click here for College Talk for Middle School Students.
Academic Supports
- Student Planners: Students are given planners at the beginning of the year to keep track of their homework assignments. Student planners also contain valuable information like student expectations and school policies. If your student is having trouble remembering to complete or turn in assignments, check their planners regularly and encourage them to write down their homework assignments for each class every day.
- Homelink: Many teachers regularly update student grades and record completed assignments on Homelink. Students and parents can sign in to get access to this online gradebook.
- Google Classroom: Many teachers post assignments, class notes, and more using Google Classroom.
- Online Textbooks: Some class subjects have online textbooks that include an audio option and/or links to explanations and helpful examples.
- IXL: Students can practice online Math lessons geared toward their individual skill level using IXL. Some students also have access to IXL lessons in English Language skills.
- Help for Struggling Students: Crunch Time
Homework Club: TBD
- 6th Grade:
- 7th Grade:
- 8th Grade:
Teachers: Many classroom teachers routinely give suggestions about organization and study habits. Some also set aside time to work with students who need extra help. Contact your student's teacher early if you notice your student is struggling.
School Counselors: School counselors meet with students individually or in groups to help them improve their organizational and study skills to meet their academic goals.