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Reporting Absences

If your student is absent, please call our ATTENDANCE HOTLINE (925-682-8000 x5090) or email on the morning of your child's absence. You have up until 72 hours to clear your child's absence. You do not need to come into the office to clear an absence.

Please include the following in your voice message (please speak slowly and clearly) or email:

  • student's last name (spell out)
  • first name,
  • grade
  • date(s) of absence
  • reason
  • your name & relation to student
  • your phone number

Si su estudiante esta ausente, por favor llame nuestra LINEA DE ASISTENCIA (925-682-8000 x5090) o un correo electronico a En las primeras 72 horas de la ausencia para darnos la razón de la falta. Usted no tiene que venir a la oficina para reportar la ausencia y puede dejar mensajes en español.

Deje un mensaje claro y de la siguiente informacion (Por favor hable despacio y con claridad):  

  • apellido del estudiante (por favor deletreelo)
  • primer nombre del estudiante
  • grado
  • fecha de la falta
  • razón de la falta
  • su nombre y su relación con el alumno
  • su teléfono



Short Term Independent Study 

Please email Tessa Cravo, Attendance Secretary, at with the following information at least 10 school days before departure date:

  • student's first & last name
  • reason for being out of school
  • last date in school
  • first date back to school

Once you've sent your email, please send your student to the office on the following day at brunch or lunch so Mrs. Haselden can review the contract with the student. 

Note: Minimum time out of school is 5 school days, maximum 14 days in a year. This is not a flexible contract; no changes permitted.

Longer Term Absences

If a student is going to be out for medical reasons and student will be out three or more weeks, then Home & Hospital is the correct program. Please contact Vice Principal Daniel Buhler (email: or call: 925-682-8000 ext. 5009 for Home Hospital requests and information.